
Kai Conner
Sometimes it feels lonely in an environment where everyone wants the same thing as you, but no one understands you. My journey is not uncommon, and I am sure it resembles the journey of many other young, black, women pursuing a career in film/television. I am simply one voice, a voice that wants to be heard.
I am a student at Savannah College of Art and Design, majoring in film & television and minoring in drawing. I was never the type of child to go play outside or play sports. I grew up in front of a television. TV made me want to create my own stories for audiences to escape into. Through film & television I have learned that stories connect people and have the ability to showcase the many perspectives we neglect in our own personal lives. Through a screen the world can look very different, or very familiar. There are so many stories I want to tell, but there is also so much I need to learn.
Follow me as I tell the story of my journey as a film student. Maybe you'll learn about a new perspective or maybe you'll resonate with it.